Hospes Hotels


The Sculptor and Painter Joan Costa in Hospes Maricel & Spa

By | 30 May, 2018 | 2 comments

The Mallorcan sculptor and painter Joan Costa will offer an exhibition that will take place at the Hospes Maricel & Spa hotel in Mallorca from May 28 to July 28

Joan Costa was born in Palma de Mallorca in 1961. He graduated in fine arts from the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara (Italy) under the teaching of Pier Giorgio Balocchi, Rino Giannini, G. Antognazzi, Luciano Pretti. Superior technician in artistic ceramics, School of Applied Arts and Artistic Trades. Palma de Mallorca. Under the teaching of Toni Riera, Lluis Castaldo, Damià Jaume, Tinus Castanyer, Toni Capó, Mercè Alabern, Carme Ascolies, Carmen Crespí, Jeroni Arbós and Bernat Tries.

His Works are located in Espacio Público de Mallorca (Baleares, Spain) and Private Collections in Spain, Germany, England, United States, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

The sculptor has exhibited since 1990, when his first personal exhibition takes place at the Palazzo Pretorio in Certaldo (Florence), related to the Italian Visual Arts Prize “Beato Angelico”. A year later, he has another solo exhibition at the cultural center La Misericòrdia (Consell Insular de Mallorca).

In 1999 he participated in Artissima 99, in Turin (Italy), through the Altair art gallery in Palma (Mallorca). And a year later he gets an exhibition in Espai Mallorca (Barcelona

In 2001 he participated in the ARCO 2001 art fair (Madrid) with the Altair art gallery in Palma (Mallorca). And at ARCO 2002 (Madrid) with the Asbaek art gallery in Copenhagen (Denmark).

He gets an individual exhibition at the Maddock Gallery in Barcelona.

He begins a series of jewels related to the configuration of his sculptural work, sometimes with details of his works on a small and large scale; The jewels are made of several materials: silver, gold, wood, bones … Some are: rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches, necklaces, pins, etc., which are used as accessories.

In the 200 the series begins Algues i arbres, bosc i alguer, included in the series Mediterrani, images of Ses Salines with trunks, oaks, salt, sea, etc.

Obtains the first prize of the commemorative monument of the teacher Eaktay Ahn, organized jointly by the Tourism Organization of Gyeonggi (Korea) and the City Council of Palma. The work is called The Shadows of Sound, and is made of cast iron and is 5 meters high.

Make an individual exhibition «Blanc d’alga» in the art gallery Trama, Barcelona. Edition of a catalog with texts by Andreu Manresa. In 2012 he is selected to participate in the 16th edition of Sculpture by the Sea Bondi 2012 in Sydney, Australia.

In 2017 he receives the XAM Prize for Plastic Arts, awarded by the Rotary Club Ramón Llull de Palma.

And in this year Hospes Maricel & Spa is fortunate to exhibit some of his works inside and outside the hotel.

Without a doubt another reason to visit this jewel of Mallorca, a place of calm and peace, where the sunsets are endless.

The exposed work of JOAN Costa belongs to the collection ‘Sea Oracle’
Sculptural group of 25 columns, symbolizing algae. The origin of the idea of the work ‘Sea Oracle’, was the movement produced by the water on the Sea algae, the constant oscillation of the Sea on the delicate vegetal forms.

Forms in movement and ascending in search of light, suggest a look towards the Sun, towards the light from the outside, possibly towards the very origin of Water.

Something that in a place like Maricel acquires even more beauty.

Hotel Hospes Maricel & Spa *****

Ctra d’Andratx 11 | Cas Català (Calvià) | 07181 Mallorca
T (+34) 971 707 744

Categories: Blog


  1. Fernando says:

    Tengo tres bocetos de joan costa.cunto valdrían hoy,?

    • marketinghospes says:

      Buenos días,
      Realmente esto tendría que comentarlo con el artista, si necesita contactar con él puede contactar con el hotel y pedir una cita con él.
      Un saludo,
      El equipo Hospes

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